Have questions?

Phone: 704-206-8800
Fax: 866-998-0479

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I take my usual daily medication?
In general patients are asked  to take medications with a sip of water before leaving home. Diabetic medications will be individualized. Diabetic medicines are generally held and blood sugars managed at the center.

Patients using inhalers should bring them to the Center on the day of surgery.

Some medications will be stopped for the surgery, particularly herbal supplements and blood thinners. All patients are requested to bring a current list of medications.

May I continue my herbal medications?
Herbal medications may have harmful effects on the surgery. Many of these remedies may effect clotting mechanisms and interfere with the anesthetic agents. (The list of drugs and their side effects are too great for this site.) We generally request that these medications are stopped two weeks before surgery. Please remember to mention these remedies to our healthcare team.

Who may accompany me?
Due to space limitations, we request that visitors are limited to one person. The responsible party will be allowed to visit the patient, after surgical preparations are complete and after the surgery if you so choose.

When a patient is a child often two parents and/or guardians will accompany him or her to the Center. We will do our best to accommodate everyone, however, one parent and/or guardian will be permitted into the recovery room at a time.

Please refrain from bringing young children to the Center as guests.

Will I receive sedation before going into the operating room?

We will individualize each patient’s care.